Rajkot News : Mounting Garbage Poses Threat to Safety on Railway Tracks 

Despite the glaring issue, both the railway authorities and the Rajkot Municipal Corporation seem to be engaged in a blame game, shirking responsibility for the mounting garbage problem


RAJKOT, GUJARAT : The railway tracks at Lohanagar on the Gondal Road of Rajkot have become a cause for concern as heaps of garbage continue to accumulate, posing a significant threat to both the locals and railway commuters. The sight of the overflowing trash has not only inconvenienced nearby residents but has also raised fears of potential accidents due to obstruction on the tracks.

Despite the glaring issue, both the railway authorities and the Rajkot Municipal Corporation seem to be engaged in a blame game, shirking responsibility for the mounting garbage problem. While the railway department asserts that they will remove the garbage from the tracks, they argue that it is the Municipal Corporation’s duty to ensure that garbage is not irresponsibly disposed of in the area.

The sorry state of affairs is evident with piles of garbage strewn around the tracks, causing inconvenience and hazards for residents and railway passengers alike. Concerns regarding potential accidents stemming from the accumulation of garbage have further intensified, prompting locals to voice their grievances to the municipality.

In response, the Municipal Corporation has emphasized the need for collaborative efforts to address the issue effectively. They have urged the railway authorities to take necessary measures to prevent the dumping of garbage on the tracks, while also highlighting the importance of waste management systems in nearby slum areas.

Despite assurances from the railway department that the garbage will be cleared within the next two to three days, challenges persist due to the lack of waste collection infrastructure in the vicinity. The absence of proper waste disposal mechanisms has compelled residents to resort to dumping garbage indiscriminately around the railway tracks, exacerbating the problem.

“The Municipal Corporation must step up and implement robust waste management strategies to prevent further accumulation of garbage on the railway tracks. By establishing efficient garbage collection systems and raising awareness among residents about responsible waste disposal practices, the municipality can mitigate the risks associated with garbage accumulation and ensure the safety and well-being of both locals and railway passengers” said a social activist.
