Prime Minister inaugurates NDDB’s 4000 cubic mtr dung-based biogas plant at Varanasi Milk Union
Country’s first-of-its-kind dung-based biogas-based plant has been funded, installed and commissioned by NDDB at the premises of NDDB-managed Varanasi Milk Union, which has processing capacity of about 2 lakh litres per day.

Anand: Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated NDDB’s 4000 cubic mtr (per day) capacity cattle dung-based biogas plant at Varanasi on 7 July 2023 in the gracious presence of Anandiben Patel, Hon’ble Governor of Uttar Pradesh, Yogi Adityanath, Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh and other eminent dignitaries.
Terming it as a pathbreaking step leading to sustainable dairying, Dr Meenesh Shah, Chairman, NDDB said that the Dairy Board has taken several strides towards realising our Hon’ble Prime Minister’s vision of “Waste to Wealth” and also taking it forward to “Waste to Energy”, which meets the energy requirements of the milk processing plant. This plant is a unique model, wherein thermal and electrical energy needs of a dairy plant is being met by dung purchased from dairy farmers and the slurry produced is utilised as organic fertilisers.
Country’s first-of-its-kind dung-based biogas-based plant has been funded, installed and commissioned by NDDB at the premises of NDDB-managed Varanasi Milk Union, which has processing capacity of about 2 lakh litres per day.
The 4000 cubic mtr/day digester capacity plant run by NDDB Mrida Ltd is meeting the energy needs of the dairy plant. Procurement of 100 MT cattle dung/day is also providing additional income to the district’s dairy farmers. Biogas produced is utilised as fuel in the boiler of the dairy plant fulfilling steam requirement for milk processing. Further, available biogas after steam generation is used for power generation. Generated electricity is used for dairy and biogas plant operations. Overall, fuel cost per litre of milk processed will be reduced by almost 30%. It is also estimated that the plant will avoid 21,000 tCO2 equivalent emissions by use of biogas as fuel.
Substituting Light Diesel Oil (LDO) with green energy will contribute in reduction of crude oil import. Production of good quality slurry-based organic manure will also reduce input cost on fertilisers, boost agricultural productivity and improve soil health. NDDB Mrida Ltd will collaborate with Gujarat State Fertiliser Company (GSFC) and supply organic fertilisers to the farmers of Uttar Pradesh and Bihar.