Navsari Forest Department Cages Notorious Leopard

The leopard had been blamed for a number of attacks on livestock in the area, including dogs, pigs, and chickens. Villagers were living in fear of the leopard, and some had even resorted to staying indoors at night.


Navsari : The Navsari forest department has been successful in caging a notorious leopard who had spread terror in the villages in Navsari district. The leopard was caught in the cage placed by the forest department at Kukeri village in Navsari.

The leopard had been blamed for a number of attacks on livestock in the area, including dogs, pigs, and chickens. Villagers were living in fear of the leopard, and some had even resorted to staying indoors at night.

The forest department set up a cage in Kukeri village in an attempt to capture the leopard. The cage was baited with live bait, and the leopard was eventually caught on Wednesday night.

The capture of the leopard has been a relief to villagers in the area. They are now hopeful that they will be able to live without fear of the leopard.

The leopard’s presence in the area had a significant impact on the lives of villagers. They were constantly worried about the safety of their livestock and their children. The fear of the leopard also made it difficult for them to sleep at night.

The Navsari forest department took the leopard’s presence very seriously. They immediately set up a team to track the leopard and capture it. The team worked tirelessly for weeks, and they were eventually successful in capturing the leopard.

The leopard is now being held at the Navsari forest department’s animal rescue center. It will eventually be released back into the wild, but only after it has been fitted with a tracking collar so that its movements can be monitored.

The capture of the leopard is a reminder of the importance of human-wildlife conflict management. It is important for humans and wildlife to be able to coexist peacefully, and there are a number of things that can be done to reduce conflict.
