Maratha Quota Agitation: Gujarat-Maharashtra Bus Services Disrupt

Notably, the repercussions of the Maratha movement in Maharashtra have quickly translated into an impediment for Gujarat's government buses, specifically affecting routes between Surat and Maharashtra destinations like Shirdi. As a precautionary measure, the Surat-Shirdi bus was brought to a standstill at Saputara, causing inconvenience to travelers.


Surat : The ongoing Maratha quota agitation in Maharashtra has started to impact the movement of a significant number of buses traveling from South Gujarat to Maharashtra. This agitation has caused disruptions, leading to the halt of several buses bound for Maharashtra, affecting the travel plans of numerous passengers.

Notably, the repercussions of the Maratha movement in Maharashtra have quickly translated into an impediment for Gujarat’s government buses, specifically affecting routes between Surat and Maharashtra destinations like Shirdi. As a precautionary measure, the Surat-Shirdi bus was brought to a standstill at Saputara, causing inconvenience to travelers.

In response to the evolving situation, the driver-conductors of all buses heading towards Maharashtra have been instructed to contact the control center for updates on the situation at the destination before continuing their journey. This measure aims to ensure the safety and security of passengers as the agitation unfolds in Maharashtra.

Moreover, the impact was not limited to government-operated buses, as some private buses also faced interruptions and were halted at Saputara, compounding the disturbance for thousands of passengers traveling between the two states.

Reports indicate that the Gujarat State Road Transport Corporation (GSRTC) is closely monitoring the developments related to the Maratha quota agitation in Maharashtra. The GSRTC is taking precautionary steps to avert any risks that might compromise the safety of passengers commuting from Gujarat to Maharashtra.

PV Gurjar, the Director of Surat State Transport, highlighted that buses departing from Surat are under vigilant observation, especially during their routes within Maharashtra. Presently, the impact of the agitation is prominently affecting a village near Shirdi, leading to the decision to short-terminate the bus en route to Shirdi at Saputara. To reinforce passenger safety, all drivers and conductors have been given strict directives to obtain route information from the nearest control center while traversing into Maharashtra.

The disruption in bus services between the two states serves as a stark reminder of the wider repercussions that regional agitations can have on public transport and the inconveniences borne by commuters. With the situation evolving, the GSRTC and transport authorities are working to minimize the disruption and ensure the safe passage of travelers during these uncertain times.

As the Maratha quota agitation continues to unfold, the Gujarat-Maharashtra bus services are likely to face continued scrutiny and altered routes to ensure the safety and convenience of passengers traveling between the two states. Efforts are underway to keep the disruptions at a minimum while prioritizing the well-being of those relying on these crucial transport services.
