IMS Ghaziabad Requests Government Prioritize Basic Research Funding for Technological Advancement

The Institute of Management Studies (IMS) at Ghaziabad University (University Courses Campus) requests that more money be allocated to scientific study


Ghaziabad: In the Union Budget for 2023-24, the Ministry of Science & Technology received a sizable sum of money: 16,361.42 crore. Yet closer inspection indicates that the allocation has increased by just 15% from the prior forecast, and the Ministry has seen a decrease of 3.9% between 2021-22 and 2022-23. IMS Ghaziabad (University Courses Campus) warns that without substantial financial increases across departments, scientific institutes in the country may be unable to absorb new information.

A total of 7,931.05 crores were added to the budget of the Department of Science and Technology (DST). From the previous year, it rose by 32.1%. Department of Biotechnology (DBT) and Department of Scientific and Industrial Research (DSIR) both had increases of 3.9% and 1.9%, respectively. The nation’s capacity for technical development and innovation may be hampered by the lack of major budget increases across departments.

The Institute of Management Studies (IMS) at Ghaziabad University (University Courses Campus) requests that more money be allocated to scientific study. Although it is encouraging to see efforts to increase the production of lab-grown diamonds, create AI research hubs, and establish a sickle cell anaemia centre, the budgets for these initiatives do not indicate a serious increase in basic research.

The Global Innovation Index reports that India invests barely 0.7% of its GDP in R&D. Over two percent of GDP is spent on research and development in all the other rich and advanced nations. India, one of the world’s leading scientific literature producers, needs more money and less red tape to fulfil its potential.

“When it comes to technical development and innovation, a country’s research and evolutionary capacities are crucial. A stronger scientific foundation is essential for attracting top scientists to the country, hence the government should invest more in basic research “the Director of IMS Ghaziabad, Dr. Arun Kumar Singh, remarked (University Courses Campus).

The Institute of Management Studies (IMS) at University Courses Campus in Ghaziabad places a premium on research funding as a means to technical progress and innovation. The country’s academic potential is hampered since researchers aren’t provided with the funding they’re owed on time and don’t have access to the high-quality equipment they need. Government agencies still provide the bulk of research funding, with the private sector contributing just little more over time. The government should prioritise the simplification of bureaucratic procedures in order to maximise the use of research money, improve the nation’s scientific infrastructure, and compete internationally for top personnel.
