Gujarat : Two Teenaged Brothers Electrocuted While Cleaning School Terrace in Surat

Shiva allegedly received a serious electric shock after coming into touch with a live wire when the brothers were collecting threads and kites from the balcony. Shivam was also electrocuted when he frantically tried to save his sibling. On the way to the SMIMER hospital, which is operated by the Surat Municipal Corporation (SMC), the two boys were moved by ambulance.


Surat : Two brothers, both in their teens, were cleaning the school terrace in the Dindoli area of Surat when they were electrocuted on Tuesday. The assignment was supposedly given to the victims, Shivam Yadav, 13, and Shiva Yadav, 15, by their teacher, Khunna Tiwari, only one day before to the Uttrayan festival.
Shiva allegedly received a serious electric shock after coming into touch with a live wire when the brothers were collecting threads and kites from the balcony. Shivam was also electrocuted when he frantically tried to save his sibling. On the way to the SMIMER hospital, which is operated by the Surat Municipal Corporation (SMC), the two boys were moved by ambulance.
“Shiva has been transferred to a private hospital in Vesu for specialised care after suffering burn injuries of around 65%,” said sources close to the family. Fortunately, Shivam is doing well.
The family of the dead is furious and has criticised the school administration and the instructor for their loved ones’ carelessness over the terrible tragedy. “We send our children to school to study, not to clean their premises,” said Parmeshwar Yadav, the father of the boys. “The school should not be assigning such dangerous tasks to children.”
Regrettably, this thing happens all the time. Several districts throughout the state have received reports of children being forced to do low-level jobs such as gardening, cleaning, and even construction. Many professionals and advocates for children’s rights have spoken out against this practice, pointing out the dangers it poses and how it violates children’s right to an education.
“Schools have a primary responsibility to ensure the safety and well-being of their students,” said Dr. Mukul Choksi, a famous psychologist from Surat. It is unethical and criminal to put kids in danger by giving them dangerous duties. All schools must make kid safety a top priority and stop using their pupils for non-academic purposes; this tragedy is a clear reminder of that.Despite growing criticism of the institution, officials are still trying to determine what caused the electrocution. School officials have maintained a tight-lipped stance throughout the whole episode.
In light of this tragedy, educational institutions and government agencies must move swiftly to strengthen safety measures and crack down on child labour. Until then, a social activist said, we would not be able to build schools where students feel safe enough to concentrate on their studies.
