Gujarat Shocker: Gang of Robbers Target Grooms in Gandhinagar

The scam came to light at Gandhinagar, Gujarat after the men filed complaints with the police, accusing the brides and a mediator involved in arranging the marriages of fraud


GANDHINAGAR, GUJARAT : Three young men in Gandhinagar district have become victims of an elaborate marriage racket, allegedly perpetrated by a gang of five. The men, from Rupal and Panchaeja villages, were duped into lakhs of rupees after being promised brides who vanished soon after the weddings.

The scam came to light after the men filed complaints with the police, accusing the brides and a mediator involved in arranging the marriages of fraud. According to the reports, the brides, all residents of Valsad district, disappeared after receiving hefty sums from the grooms’ families.

One of the victims, 34-year-old Chinmoy from Rupal, runs a grocery shop in Ahmedabad. Seeking a wife, Chinmoy’s brother circulated messages on WhatsApp among relatives and friends. This is when Shailesh Patel, a resident of Rupal village, approached Chinmoy with a proposal. Three months ago, Shailesh presented Chinmoy with a photograph of a woman named Mansi Mukeshbhai Patel, claiming she would be a perfect match.

Intrigued, Chinmoy’s family agreed to meet Mansi. On February 11th, 2024, Shailesh took them to a house supposedly belonging to Mansi’s maternal uncle, located outside Valsad Chikhli. Here, the family met Mansi, and after a conversation, Chinmoy and Mansi expressed their desire to get married.

However, Shailesh allegedly threw a financial hurdle. He claimed that the family wouldn’t be able to afford the wedding expenses and pressured Chinmoy for financial assistance. Lured by the prospect of marriage, Chinmoy readily agreed. In the presence of Shailesh, Chinmoy paid Rs. 3 lakh to Hiteshbhai Patel, identified as Mansi’s brother-in-law, at the Nardipur Vahanvati Mata Mandir.

The wedding between Chinmoy and Mansi took place on February 17th at the Arya Samaj Mandir in Sector-24. After a brief stay of 15 days, Mansi returned to her supposed home. Ten days later, she came back to Chinmoy, citing dental issues and demanding money for treatment.

When Chinmoy refused her financial demands in early April, Mansi abruptly cut off communication and threatened legal action. Seeking help from Shailesh, the mediator who facilitated the marriage, Chinmoy was assured Mansi’s return within 15 days or a refund. However, neither Mansi nor the money reappeared.

Further investigation revealed that Chinmoy wasn’t the only victim. He discovered three more men who had fallen prey to the same scheme, all marriages arranged by Shailesh Patel. Realizing they had been targeted by a gang, Chinmoy filed a police complaint against the bride, Mansi Patel, along with Shailesh Patel, Hiteshbhai Patel, Rohini Patel, and Naina Patel.

The complaint alleges that this group conspired to arrange fake marriages and swindle grooms out of lakhs of rupees. The women involved, described as fluent in Gujarati, Hindi, and English, reportedly used fake documents, including Aadhaar cards.

Deputy Superintendent of Police (DYSP) D.T. Gohil urged the public to be wary of such fraudulent gangs and conduct thorough background checks before finalizing marriages with individuals from unfamiliar locations. The police are currently investigating the case.
