Gujarat : DWUG claims 44 Diamond Artisans committed suicide in Surat due to unemployment

The difficulties that the sector is experiencing are attributed to a number of different issues, according to the DWUG. A lengthy shadow has been thrown over the industry as a result of the lingering effects of the COVID-19 lockout, the continuing conflict between Russia and Ukraine, and the sanctions that the G-7 nations have imposed on Russian diamonds as consequences of the conflict. Further escalation of the problem has been brought about by the conflict in Israel as well as the worldwide economic slump.


Surat : There has been a wave of despondency that has damaged the brilliant façade of the diamond business in Surat, which is the biggest diamond cutting and polishing centre in the world. According to the Diamond Workers Union Gujarat (DWUG), an astounding 44 diamond artisans have taken their own lives over the course of the last 10 months (April 19, 2023 – March 1, 2024) as a result of unemployment brought on by a lengthy recession.

The difficulties that the sector is experiencing are attributed to a number of different issues, according to the DWUG. A lengthy shadow has been thrown over the industry as a result of the lingering effects of the COVID-19 lockout, the continuing conflict between Russia and Ukraine, and the sanctions that the G-7 nations have imposed on Russian diamonds as consequences of the conflict. Further escalation of the problem has been brought about by the conflict in Israel as well as the worldwide economic slump.

As a result of the production cutbacks that diamond businesses and smaller units have implemented, the lives of craftsmen have been directly impacted, and many of them have been driven to the edge of financial collapse. Some people have even resorted to committing minor offences in order to live since the situation has grown so terrible.

According to Bhavesh Tank, vice president of the Diamond Workers’ Union of Gujarat (DWUG), “We brought the distress and suffering of diamond artisans to the attention of the Gujarat Chief Minister.” “Despite following his instructions and submitting two representations to the Chief Secretary and the Minister of Labour and Employment, we haven’t received any concrete solutions to address the problems faced by the artisans.”

All of the organisations and industrialists in the diamond business are requesting the government to step in and help, as the level of frustration inside the sector continues to rise. They are requesting that the government provide them with a thorough five-point plan that includes the following:

Proposing a comprehensive economic plan to provide assistance to the diamond sector

The “Ratnadeep Yojana” is a skill development programme for diamond craftsmen, and it has been announced.

The establishment of a “Ratnakalakar Welfare Board” with the purpose of ensuring the health and safety of craftsmen

Offering financial support to the families of diamond craftsmen who have passed away while they were working

Eliminating the professional tax that is imposed on jobs in the diamond industry

The diamond value-added tax (DWUG) draws attention to the striking contrast between the government’s attempts to attract investments and its neglect of the diamond sector, which is a key contributor to the state’s revenues in foreign currency. Inaction, according to Tank, might result in a significant number of craftsmen leaving the business, which would put the industry’s future in even greater jeopardy.

“The government seems to perceive diamond artisans as a vulnerable group, but their anger and frustration are reaching a boiling point,” according to Tank. “We urge them to address this crisis before it spills onto the streets and leads to unrest.”
