Gujarat BJP Chief CR Paatil Appeals for Reconciliation Amid Kshatriya Community Unrest

At the heart of the controversy lies the demand from the Kshatriya Karni Sena to replace Rupala as the candidate for the Rajkot Lok Sabha seat and expel him from the party in Gujarat


Gandhinagar : With folded hands, Gujarat BJP Chief CR Paatil has extended an olive branch to the aggrieved Kshatriya community, urging forgiveness for Union Minister Parshottam Rupala’s contentious remarks. This plea for reconciliation comes amidst a tumultuous period marked by widespread protests and escalating tensions within the community across Gujarat.

“It is my humble appeal to the Kshatriya samaj with folded hands that mistake has been committed and apology has been tendered twice. Now, it is time for the Kshatriya samaj to cool down their anger and remain with the BJP, as they have shown their allegiance to the party in all these elections” said Paatil.

In a concerted effort to address the simmering discontent, Chief Minister Bhupendra Patel and Gujarat BJP Chief CR Paatil convened a special meeting in Gandhinagar by inviting the heavyweight  Kshatriya leaders and two former cabinet ministers—Pradipsinh Jadeja and Bhupendrasinh Chudasama—to quell the ongoing protest by Kshatriya samaj in Gujarat.  The gathering, that took place at the official residence of CR Paatil, signifies a pivotal moment in the party’s attempt to navigate the storm of dissent sparked by Rupala’s recent comments targeting the Kshatriya community.

At the heart of the controversy lies the demand from the Kshatriya Karni Sena to replace Rupala as the candidate for the Rajkot Lok Sabha seat and expel him from the party. This outcry has been amplified by the resignation of Karni Sena President Raj Shekhawat from the primary membership of the BJP, highlighting the depth of dissatisfaction within the community.

Further intensifying the pressure, prominent BJP leader Sanjaysinh Gohil, Director of Bhavnagar APMC and a respected figure within the Kshatriya community, has voiced support for withdrawing Rupala’s candidature. Gohil’s stance reflects the growing chorus of voices calling for accountability and redressal of grievances.

In response to these developments, the Kshatriya community in Ahmedabad took to the streets in a protest rally, vehemently condemning Parshottam Rupala and submitting a memorandum to the District Collector, denouncing his disparaging remarks on Tuesday. The rally served as a poignant expression of the community’s determination to seek justice and demand respect.

The unfolding situation presents a formidable challenge for the BJP leadership in Gujarat, as they grapple with the fallout from Rupala’s comments and the ensuing uproar within the Kshatriya community. The outcome of the forthcoming meeting, orchestrated by Chief Minister Bhupendra Patel and Gujarat BJP Chief CR Paatil, holds immense significance, with hopes pinned on a resolution that can assuage the grievances of the community and foster unity within the party ranks.

As tensions continue to mount, all eyes remain fixed on the outcome of the deliberations, with the prospect of reconciliation and healing serving as a beacon of hope in the midst of uncertainty and unrest.
