Growth Biz Pioneering Indian MSMEs’ Global Expansion at the Gulf Food Festival

Growth Biz recently made a significant impact at the Gulf Food Festival in the UAE, where it unveiled its innovative approach to empowering MSMEs. The festival provided a platform for Growth Biz to connect with representatives from 130 countries, highlighting Bihar's MSME potential and raising awareness about India's vibrant entrepreneurial ecosystem.


In a remarkable showcase of Bihar’s entrepreneurial spirit, Growth Biz, a startup rooted in the heart of India, is spearheading a movement to empower Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) for global success. Led by founder Akshay Kumar, Growth Biz is on a mission to bridge the gap between local businesses and international markets, with a special focus on the Gulf region.

Growth Biz recently made a significant impact at the Gulf Food Festival in the UAE, where it unveiled its innovative approach to empowering MSMEs. The festival provided a platform for Growth Biz to connect with representatives from 130 countries, highlighting Bihar’s MSME potential and raising awareness about India’s vibrant entrepreneurial ecosystem.

Founder Akshay Kumar emphasized, “Our vision is to create a platform that simplifies the journey of Indian MSMEs from local to global markets, with a particular focus on the Gulf region.”

The startup’s presence at the festival marked a turning point in its journey, showcasing its commitment to supporting Indian businesses in their global expansion efforts. Growth Biz offers a range of services tailored to the needs of MSMEs, including market analysis, logistics solutions, and strategic partnerships.

One of Growth Biz’s key initiatives is the launch of its dedicated app, which will provide MSMEs with a seamless platform to manage their global expansion efforts, with a focus on the Gulf region. This app reflects the startup’s commitment to simplifying cross-border business operations and maximizing market reach for Indian MSMEs.

As Growth Biz continues to pioneer Indian MSMEs’ global expansion, it remains committed to its core values of inclusivity and innovation. With a strong focus on the Gulf region, Growth Biz is paving the way for Indian entrepreneurs to tap into new opportunities and elevate India’s position on the global stage.
