Ahmedabad faces Severe Blood Shortage Amid  Decline in Donations

Despite numerous efforts by organizations to organize blood donation camps throughout Ahmedabad, the response has been lukewarm. This seasonal challenge recurs annually due to the onset of summer and vacation periods, severely impacting the availability of blood supplies.


AHMEDABAD,GUJARAT : Blood banks in Ahmedabad are grappling with a severe shortage as blood donations have plummeted this summer. The city is witnessing a dramatic 65-70% decline in blood unit collection, creating a crisis for patients in need of urgent treatment across various hospitals.

Despite numerous efforts by organizations to organize blood donation camps throughout Ahmedabad, the response has been lukewarm. This seasonal challenge recurs annually due to the onset of summer and vacation periods, severely impacting the availability of blood supplies.

Sources from a private blood bank indicate that under normal circumstances, between 3,500 to 4,500 units of blood are collected monthly. Currently, however, collections have dwindled to just 1,250 to 1,500 units per month. This significant drop underscores a critical shortage affecting both public and private blood banks in Ahmedabad.

The situation has reached a critical point, prompting Ahmedabad Civil Hospital to issue a public plea for blood donations, specifically citing an acute shortage of AB+ blood. Similar distress signals are being echoed by Sola Civil Hospital. Although Shardaben Hospital maintains a limited stock of AB+ and B+ blood, the supply is far from adequate. Additionally, the blood center at L.G. Hospital is also experiencing shortages. This crisis permeates across government, private, and trust-managed hospitals in the city.

In response to the dire circumstances, blood banks are intensifying their outreach efforts. They are actively contacting regular blood donors and reaching out to volunteer donors who support thalassemia patients requiring frequent transfusions. Social media has become a crucial tool in these efforts, with individuals posting urgent appeals for blood donations for hospitalized family members or relatives.

Medical professionals stress the critical importance of blood donations, emphasizing that a single donation can potentially save the lives of three individuals. The current shortage highlights the urgent need for more donors to step forward, especially during these challenging summer months.
